Fiction, Historical fiction, Writing Life

Hiking around in a wilderness odyssey

Israel tabernacle & encampment in the wilderness
The Israelite tabernacle & encampment in the wilderness

“Are you going to write another book?” I’ve heard that question a lot since publishing my novel in 2012.  I suppose it’s a question writers inevitably face after finishing a first book.

My plan, when I published Destiny’s Hands (a biblical fiction exploring the life of the Bible character Bezalel from when he was a slave in Egypt until Moses gave him a divine assignment), was to tell this one story and be done with fiction. But the process was satisfying in a way that few other writing projects have been. The characters I created are still with me. And since finishing I have wondered how they’re faring.

One person intrigues me more than the rest. Zamri, Bezalel’s younger sister, has the individuality, rebellious streak, and softness that make me think maybe, just maybe I could do something with her during the nomadic years that follow Israel’s exit from Egypt.

I am still in the research stage of my present work-in-progress. It feels like a base camp from which I could be making reconnaissance hikes into this wilderness odyssey for quite a while. But ideas are beginning to come as I familiarize myself with the story world—a world as exotic and strange as any fantasy planet.

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