art, Poetry, wall art

Sewing notions

I have been noticing lately how some of the things I feel inspired to paint are another expression of poems I have written. Today’s little offering here is one such. I don't sew much any more (I'm way out of practice and my machine needs servicing) but this painting and poem take me back to… Continue reading Sewing notions

art, wall art

Miniature Canadian Landscapes

One of the things I’ve found helpful as an artist is to work in series. This takes care of the problem of what to paint (to a degree). A series I’ve enjoyed, and is ongoing, is miniature Canadian landscapes. When I discovered tiny canvases (4 x 4x .5 inches stretched canvases and 4 x 4… Continue reading Miniature Canadian Landscapes

art, Art News, wall art

Show and Sell

Our art club’s spring show and sale is just over a week away. I’ve been busy framing paintings, getting my small items ready for the bargain table, and sorting through cards. Today I’m going to share with you the paintings I’ll be taking to the show. "Forest Toes" and "Family Tree" These two 8x10” acrylic… Continue reading Show and Sell

art, Art News, wall art

Club Exhibition

On Tuesday members of our Port Kells Art Club delivered their paintings to the gallery. Yesterday our spring exhibition went live! The show runs from April 10 to May 22nd. You can view it in person in the second floor hallway gallery of the Langley Township Civic Centre, 20338 – 65th Ave., Langley B.C., during… Continue reading Club Exhibition

art, Art News, Personal, wall art

On my own

Today my account at Acrylic University lost a lot of weight! As of this date, I no longer have access to their painting video riches in the Journey, the Library, the Archives etc. It is with sadness that I say farewell to this chapter of my art journey (though I still have access to the… Continue reading On my own

art, Personal, wall art

Catching up to June

It’s been a little quiet here, hasn’t it—the fallout of commitments and the unexpected. Besides doing art during March and April, I prepared for a writing conference that our writing group sponsored. It included an art exhibition for which I had the responsibility. A little networking and word of mouth resulted in lining up a… Continue reading Catching up to June

art, Art News, wall art

Golden hour February & other goodies

Time rushes on! It’s hard to believe that this weekend we’re already into Daylight Saving Time. They say time flies when you’re having fun… so I must be having a ball. As a new enrollee of Acrylic University, I have learned so much in the last month. Besides taking advantage of Jed Dorsey’s weekly mini… Continue reading Golden hour February & other goodies

art, Art News, note cards, wall art

A new blog direction for 2023

I can scarcely believe we’re nearing the double digits of February and I have yet to post a blog in 2023! This is not altogether unintentional, as I have been mulling over what to do with the blog this year. I have discovered that as my interest in art grows, my enthusiasm to write diminishes.… Continue reading A new blog direction for 2023

art, Poetry


Happy Canada Day! Today, a poem, celebrating our Canadian flag. Canada Flag - Acrylic on Canvas, 4 x 4 x .5 inches. Flag “National flag of Canadatwo by length and one by width, redcontaining in its center a white squarethe width of the flagwith a single red maple leafcentered therein”*flies majestic since 1965over town squaresby… Continue reading Flag