nature, Personal, Poetry Friday

Out of my element

Out of my element I bushwack through brush trying to remember to hand off face-high branches to the hiker just behind keep an eye out for stinging nettle, poison oak haul myself up thigh-burningly steep hills, inch down steep declines side-footed with the caution of an arthritic senior but when we reach the stream bridged… Continue reading Out of my element

Religious, Spiritual Journey Thursday

RISE – Spiritual Journey (first) Thursday

It’s the day for our Spiritual Journey (first) Thursday link-up. Today we focus on Leigh Anne’s one-little-word for 2017—RISE. What Could RISE mean in my day-to-day life, I asked myself as I considered what to write. I quickly realized RISE is a very versatile word with lots of meanings and ways I regularly encourage myself… Continue reading RISE – Spiritual Journey (first) Thursday

light, People, Poetry Friday

To runners true

This is the season of runs and marathons. It seems like every week there's another one happening around here. I believe this weekend several of my family will be running in the Annual Saskatchewan Marathon (a Boston Marathon Qualifier race—not that they have designs on that). Then on August 22nd, my sister is running in… Continue reading To runners true