Religious, senryu, Shadorma, Spiritual Journey Thursday

“Summer” and “read” are synonyms (Spiritual Journey Thursday)

Summer. Even saying the word makes me feel good. I think the magic of this season is so much a part me because of the rhythms of school ingrained from childhood. From my earliest memories it has always been ten months of school (September to June), two months of summer holidays (July and August)—the standard… Continue reading “Summer” and “read” are synonyms (Spiritual Journey Thursday)

#CY365 Photo-Poem Series, Cinquain, Form poems, nature, Objects, Poetry Friday

Five Cinquains

I wasn’t going to join in on Poetry Friday today, then went to Linda’s roundup, found her post on Adelaide Crapsey and the cinquain form, and decided to put something up after all. The cinquain is one of the short forms I’ve written in when composing poems in response to the daily photography prompts I’ve… Continue reading Five Cinquains

nature, Poetry Friday

Farewell to Summer (Goodnight Moon)

I did it! I wrote a short poem for every day of the summer. A notebook in my Evernote app called “2017 Summer Shorts Poems” now holds 93 of this summer's daily photos and their accompanying verses. That I even completed this amazes me. But that I enjoyed it to the last day amazes even… Continue reading Farewell to Summer (Goodnight Moon)

light, People, Poetry Friday

Take a hike

A week ago today the Capture Your 365 photo prompt was “Take a hike.” On my walk that day I photographed several woodsy hiking paths, pondering all the while what other ways I could interpret the prompt. Then, walking through Portage Park, past a newly installed shelter and picnic tables (probably saw them for the… Continue reading Take a hike

Kids, light

Book Lover’s Day

I’m sharing another of my Summer Shorts poems today. August 9th was Book Lover’s Day. As soon as I saw that challenge on my list of Capture Your 365 prompts, I knew what my photograph would be. I pass this whimsical tree whenever I do my creek walk in the morning. He has always caught… Continue reading Book Lover’s Day